Monday, May 9, 2016

Wirth’s Law, 64k memory, and 3 things to ask your software vendor for during the next purchase

Wirths LawI was downloading a software application for my computer the other day, a product who shall remain nameless. Typically, I start the download and then work on something else and come back to it later to complete the install. This time, for no particular reason, I decided to watch the download as it occurred. It was over 145 megabytes – keep in mind this was a business application, not an operating system – and not some complex solution with multiple subsystems and moving parts. Needless to say, I cancelled the download and moved on. What in the world would require this install package to be over 145 megabytes?

Think about all of the software you have installed on your computer and how much disk space it takes up. Yes I know, disk is cheap and you have loads of unused space and you don’t really care, but what about memory? If these installs are so bloated in download size, what are they going to be like when they are running? How much memory are they going to consume? And what if you have the need to run three or four or more of these hogs on your system? Have you recently opened the task manager, clicked on processes and then sorted them top to bottom on private memory utilization and CPU? If you have never done this or haven’t done it lately, try it. You might be surprised to find what is using up the memory and processor on your computer.

There is a computing adage that I came across a while back called Wirth’s Law. Wirth’s Law basically states that software is getting slower more rapidly than hardware becomes faster. There was a variant on Wirth called Gates’ law, borrowing its name from Bill Gates. It made more of a humorous point by stating that commercial software generally slows by 50 percent every 18 months, thereby negating all of the benefits of Moore’s law, which deals with improvements in the capabilities of computing devices.
What exactly is the point of all of this? The point is code quality and efficiency, as it impedes your ability to work more productively. If a programmer is writing a new function, instead of creating a new and more efficient function, they take a shortcut and link to a library on top of the existing code. As this process is repeated over and over with each new release and new libraries linked into larger libraries, the composite code begins to resemble a house built on top of a house, built on top of another house. Over the course of time, the code begins to look like a pile of tangled houses after a tornado with the bottom layers becoming dead code. The negative effect on the performance of the application becomes clearly noticeable by users.

When I started out in IT in a datacenter back in the 1990s, I worked with some people who would share stories about programming on hardware with 64K of memory. In that environment every line of code was carefully considered, written or rewritten because memory was limited and costly. It was simply not possible to link in a new library and continue on. As a result, the code was very efficient and compact. When programmers got a welcomed memory bump to the computer, it was a big deal because they also got quite a jump in performance as well.

Fast forward to today. Servers can have 256GB or more of memory, while even Laptops and desktops can have 8 GB or more. Memory is plentiful, so who cares? With plentiful memory, it would also appear that efficient coding is no longer needed. Think again. The problem does not necessarily lie with one application that is a poorly written memory hog. Rather, it manifests itself in business environments that are running dozens or more of these applications. If Wirth’s law proves to be correct, hardware vendors will not be able to escape performance and utilization hardship from poorly coded software.

Some have concluded that the result of poorly written code is the result of lazy programmers focused on cranking the code out with no eye to the efficiency of what they are coding. Some may say that it’s the software organization’s fault in that they do not provide developers the needed time or direction to re-write existing code in a more efficient manner. Regardless of the cause, it is clear that efficient coding in most corners is a lost art and apparently is no longer taught in schools, if it ever was. (Academicians, please sound off here and defend your institutions!)

So where do we go from here? The solution to this dilemma lies with business organizations that are the largest consumers of business software. These organizations have the influence because they have the checkbooks. They need to start holding the vendor community responsible for the performance of the applications they procure from their vendors.

In defense of the software vendor community – of which I am a member – there are generally minimum hardware and software requirements provided by vendors, but it is far short of what is required to give an organization the data they need to understand how an application will perform in production. What is needed is hard data on how the application has performed in current deployments, and the software vendors have this data from previous implementations. Demand it from them!

Here are 3 “ask fors” for your business during your next software purchase:
  1. Ask for performance data from the vendors that spans smaller implementations to larger ones. This will help you understand how well the application scales and help you avoid issues if you are rolling out the application in phases.
  2. Ask for references that are similar in size and network configuration to yours. Put your network or application specialists in contact with theirs, and discuss performance pre- and post-deployment. These customer references can provide you with some invaluable intelligence about how the application performs on a day-to-day basis; information that the vendor might not even be aware of.
  3. Develop some predetermined and agreed-upon performance metrics with the vendor and bake them into the contract. If they are baked into the contract, the vendor is more likely to provide you upfront with reliable data that they will stick with.
If more organizations become more focused on the performance and resource utilization of the applications they acquire, the vendors will begin to make it a business priority. Some might even hopefully see it as a distinctive competitive advantage and one that is to be advertised. Perhaps it might even bring about a rebirth of a focus towards more efficient coding and avert the train wreck down the road that Wirth’s law predicts.

At Vallum Software, we take the performance and resource utilization of the applications we create very seriously. We place a strong emphasis on code efficiency to ensure that our customers get the most of our solutions within the smallest footprint, and that there are no surprises down the road if they expand its use.

What is your take on this? What application performance issues are you seeing in your network? For those of you that date back to the “64k days,” what difference do you see these days in app code as related to performance?

I hope this information has been useful to you and as always, I welcome any comments. Please check out Vallum and our partner the GMI-Foundation.

About the Author:

Lance Edelman is a technology professional with 25+ years of experience in enterprise software, security, document management and network management. He is co-founder and CEO at Vallum Software and currently lives in Atlanta, GA.

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